Tuesday, September 23, 2008
was playing random ppl's play list on itunes shared library while doing my lab report. and guess wat song was playing? savage garden's 'i want you'. haha. reminds me of vj mass dance! omg, i miss those! haha. don't think i can rmb the steps though.
just few days ago, i was having dinner with junhao and terrence from my blk. one interesting fact, i was from vj 04 batch, junhao was from vj 02 batch and old terrence was from vj 00 batch! haha. and guess wat? we were talking abt kwek! hahha. kwekey was my ct tutor, junhao's physis's tutor and terrence's odac teacher in charge or some sort! haha.
time really flies, it has been about 2+ close to 3 yrs that i have left vj. those good old days.


Monday, September 22, 2008
i saw this note being posted on facebook. thought it was something nice to share..
Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived, Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge and all the others, including Love.
One day it was announced to all of the feelings that the island was going to sink to the bottom of the ocean. So, all the feelings prepared their boats to leave. Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted to preserve the island paradise until the very last possible moment. When the island was almost totally under water, Love decided it was time to leave. She began looking for someone to ask for help.
Just then Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked, Richness, can I come with you on your boat? Richness answered, I am sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere
The Love decided to ask Vanity, who was passing in a beautiful vessel, for help. Love cried out Vanity, help me please!, I can't help you, Vanity said, You are all wet and will damage my beautiful boat.
Next Love saw Sadness passing by. Love said, Sadness please let me go with you. Sadness answered, Love, I'm sorry, but, I just need to be alone now.
Then, Love saw Happiness and cried out, Happiness, please take me with you. But Happiness was so overjoyed that he didn't hear Love calling him.
Love began to cry, then, she heard a voice say, Come love I will take you with me. It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the elder went on his way.
Love realized how much she owed the elder and when she met Knowledge she asked who it was that had helped her.
It was Time, Knowledge answered. But why did Time help me when no one else would?, Love asked. Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and sincerity, answered, Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
peace and quiet doesn't exist around me.
was at central lib, 3rd floor. was studying till some indian song started playing from the study carrels. hmm. they dun realise that those small little rooms are not sound proof.
then went to the study room in sheares after dinner cause was afraid that the juniors will be preparing stuff for junior-treat-senior tmr night in the kitchen, which is 2 doors away fr my room. a while after sitting down in the study room, could hear the song, 'no air' by jordin sparks playing over and over again. dance ppl were practicing somewhere nearby.
last sat night, when i was sleeping.. woke up because of some laughters. went out to find some freshies in the kitchen, preparing stuff for mid autumn festival celebration. and i thought i could have some sleep on saturdays.
i didn't use to be such a light sleeper. but nowadays, i've been waking up at least once or twice every night. and the worse thing is, someone said i looked 'old and haggard..' sigh.
anyway, still glad that recess week is next week! time to catch up on sch work and sleep i hope. I'LL BE HOME! YAYY! =)
on a side note, bought a shirt with the picture above printed on it! love it! heh.
Friday, September 05, 2008

my sis send this to my email. it is rather true for the past 4 weeks of sch. monday, i usually have monday blues plus labs doesn't take much effort; tues i'll start to mug for thurs test plus 2 hrs of lessons; wed is full force mugging for thurs' test; thurs morning, have to face separation process engineering test, by noon i'll be zombified due to the lack of sleep from the past few days due to mugging; by friday, energy level will be super low. besides, it's the weekend. i'll have no mood to mug. maybe tat explains why i'm SUPER LAG in work. despite the conscious effort to catch up. i feel like i'm forever catching up on previous week's work. i need more motivation to continue with the level of effort tat i'm putting in. in fact, i need to work double hard to be able to be on the same pace as tutorial classes. i officially finished one quarter of the semester, but is as good as being in week2. well done. i need to buck up.